•Collection of Genomic Information by analysing the cell free fetal DNA (cff-DNA) from embryo extracted using Electro-wetting on Dielectric (EWOD) System
•Electro Wetting on Dielectric (EWOD) has become the most promising tool for the manipulation of liquid droplets on a hydrophobic surface and hence evolved as a versatile tool in Lab-on-a-chip applications. EWOD system is used for the extraction of cell free fetal DNA (cff-DNA) from Embryo. Dropbot (Model DB3-120) is selected as the EWOD system. The bio-buffers used for the extraction of DNA from blood has been manipulated in specific ratio, for generation, mixing and transported in specific path and protocol for the cf-DNA extraction. The percentage of cf-DNA extracted has been calculated using q-PCR (Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) method will given out for genomic studies by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).
