Sperm Sorting Microfluidic Chip
ANSYS – Flow Field Distribution
PC Chip
男性不孕症的主要原因與精子型態異常,活動力不良和精液量過低有關。 因此,我們的研究致力於篩選出良好的精子以利後續的輔助生殖應用。 目前人工生殖技術中,較常見的精子分選方法包括洗精法、上泳法,密度梯度離心法。 然而,上述這些方法往往伴隨著耗時和離心力大等缺點,而過大的重力場會導致精子的物理傷害。 我們的研究結合了MEMS技術,使用由SU-8厚膜微影和軟微影製造的聚二甲基矽氧烷(PDMS)晶片,以及射出成形的聚碳酸酯(PC)晶片,利用微流道內之層流特性與精子本身活動力進行篩選。只需要少量的精液便可操作,在生殖醫學領域實現低成本和高分離效益。

•Embryo culture is a component of in vitro fertilisation where in resultant embryos are allowed to grow for some time in an artificial medium.
•The duration of embryo culture can be varied, conferring different stages of embryogenesis at embryo transfer. The main stages at which embryo transfer is performed are cleavage stage (day 2 to 4 after co-incubation) or the blastocyst stage.
•PDMS is widely use due to its various properties such as, optically clear, and, in general, inert, non-toxic, and non-flammable. It is one of several types of silicone oil(polymerized siloxane). Its applications range from contact lenses and medical devices to elastomers.